Turn Signals For Classics


Turn Signal Kits For Antique Cars

Turn Signals are now required in most U.S. states for all cars - even classics. Are you looking for a way to add this important safety function without botching up the exterior of your beautiful old car?

Our kit is for the purist who does not wish to alter the appearance of his/her car by adding lights or hanging a signal switch on the steering column. The kit features a switch to be mounted under the dash. It uses your car's existing brake lights and parking lights for turn signals (cowl lights, fog lights, or running lights may be used instead of the parking lights). When not turning, the brake and parking lights function normally as brake and parking lights. The manual canceling switch may be mounted inconspicuously under the car's instrument panel. This accomplishes a safe, functional turn signal installation without detracting from the appearance of the car's interior or exterior.

The kit is intended for autos for which turn signals were not originally an option - basically pre-1950's. The turn signal system includes 4-way emergency flash. The kit works equally well for positive or negative ground electrical systems. No special consideration is required for either type of system. The kit works equally well for either 6 volt or 12 volt electrical systems. Please specify 6 or 12 volt when ordering.

Cost of the kit is $135 which includes manual canceling switch, fuse, flasher, and complete instructions. The kit does not include wire.

Postage is free for U.S. customers. For shipping to Canada or Europe please add $15.00. (Note: International orders require payment by check drawn on a US bank or International Money Order in US dollars.)

We have been providing turn signal kits for classic car owners and restoration companies for over 40 years. All components are excellent quality.

Thank you for your interest.

Send check or money order to:
Turn Signals For Classics
P.O Box 10743
St Paul, MN 55110
(Don't forget to specify 6V or 12V!)
(Don't forget to add shipping costs if you are outside the United States!)

For a printable order form click here

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